Chanel 23C New Collection 22 Handbag, made with authentic calf leather in a small size. It uses genuine Italian “IMPALA” leather, commonly known as lambskin, which is delicate, soft, and durable. The simple exterior hides many advanced designs by the designer. The hollowed-out Chanel logo coins are small accents that elevate the overall temperament to a higher level, exuding a nostalgic charm and a relaxed and lazy feeling.
Size: 13.78×14.57×2.76 inches
color:Avocado Green
100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of an Original Chanel (imported from Europe). Comes with dust bag, and box (or shopping gift bag if the item is over approximately 9″). Counter Quality Replica (Mirror Image Replica)
You will receive item exactly as advertised. These pictures belong to our Manufacturer.